Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not living for you...

Go on talking shit about me. 
Talking my bad past moments. 
But i'm not living in the past. 
I live for today. 
I live for tomorrow.
I live for my own future.
I'm not doing something to please you.
Cause, I'm not living for you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

talk about me talk about who?

I let people talk about me according to what they think about me.
Even if they're wrong.
I listen to it anyway.
But I'm not gonna let those words bring me down.
Imma let them bun out in fire when they see me smiling with a big white smile.

Falling for Nothing

My brain said that I shouldn't fall.
It'll hurt me anyway.

But my heart said that I should fall.
I can fly anyway.

But then I'm afraid.
I'm afraid to fall.
I'm afraid if i might fall, 
if no one would catch me down there.

Cause if I'm falling right now.
I'm afraid that I'm falling for nothing.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Break My Wall

Go on break my wall.
But i'll build it higher, stronger and tougher. 
And you'll just be there frozen and admiring it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Sebenernya bisa dibilang cukup telat untuk dibilang post tahun baru, secara hari ini udah menginjak hari keenam di tahun 2012. Tapi, nggak apa-apa deh, yang penting semangat tahun barunya, ye nggak?

Well, tahun 2012, menurut Feng Shui sih, ini adalah tahun Naga. Gue sebenernta juga gak ngerti apa itu tahun naga, kenapa dan gimana, hehe maklum nggak percaya sama hal beginian sih-_-'

Untuk tahun 2012 ini jujur gue nggak buat To-Do-List buat tahun ini, menyangkut goal-goal apa yang mau gue capai di tahun ini, sebenernya sih udah kepikiran, tapi males aja, habis banyak hehe, cukup lah diingit di dalam pikiran dan diresapi di hati, erus diwujudkan, amin semoga bisa ngewujudin.

Sedikit flash back tentang tahun 2011 ya, well, tahun itu tuh merupakan another learning year buat gue. banyak banget hal yang gue tau dan pelajari dan gue ambil hikmahnya dari banyak kejadian yang gue laluin, ejieeee. Pelajaran tentang Bersyukur, Sabar, Ikhlas, Memaafkan, Mengerti, dan banyak yang lain. Tahun yang setelah ditinggalkan itu baru deh gue kerasa kalo di tahun itu gue kerasa banget grow up nya._. may Allah bless me.

For all of my friends from all over the world,
Resolutions are just gonna be resolutions, without any realizations. So, make it real!



is that girl who is growing up to be a woman
is that girl who is strong in her deepest pain
is that girl who tries to put her smiles above her tears
is that girl who builds up her walls to cover up her life
is that girl who tries to lift evrybody's lips up
is that girl who tries to survive in her wild liffe
is that girl who builds her own path and walk through it
is that girl who define her life in words even she never really find the words
is that girl who doesnt know what to hold on or what to let go
is that girl who prefers being with a kids to what so called adults
is that girl who is tired of running in her life
is that girl who is dying to control her emotions
is that girl who is dying to make happiness for her life
is that girl who wants to be a woman that man needs
is that girl who is dying to kill her selfish thoughts
is that girl who wants a lil room in her busy damn fuasdfghjck life
is that girl who got mounts of wishes. oceans of hopes. tons of dreams. and thousands of spirits to make it all happen
is that girl who every girls never wanna be.
is that girl who is everything that every girl's not.
is that girl who will not think twice to give her beautiful middle fingers for those who deserve it.
is that girl who won't go down when some people kick her ass off, she'll kick them back.
is that girl who cant control her tongue. she tells everybody like what she feels. theres nothing has to be hid.
is that girl who believes that her life will be ended beautifully no matter how much strugle that she must face now.
is that girl who cries. not because she's weak. but because her defense has already broken.
is that girl who say everything's ok. not because she wants to lie. but because it's one of her wish for her own problem.
is that girl who is afraid to fall, because she's afraid that no one's gonna catch her down there.
is that girl who wrote this post.

some lines are my wishes. for what i wanted myself to be.
some lines are the truth. from what i've been through.