Monday, January 18, 2016


Hello there!

First thing first, I’m not kind of an always-have-breakfast-before-jump-in-my-activities person. I easily skip and take brunch to replace it. In this case, it’s usually because I have no time or too lazy to get off of bed early, but lately I realize it has such as good impact for me, specifically, for my mood.

Ok, let’s break it fast.
Who love Maccaroni? I meant, Who doesn’t? I’m not kind of an Italian Tongue who love all the dishes from that Pisa Country, but I like pasta! It gives me a pleasure feeling for eating it, because I don’t eat rice, I don’t know if it’s correlalted but, that’s it. So, what can we eat for an easy and quick breakfast with pasta? Check this out.

Maccaroni Carbonara

Dare to share? 

This food is actually made by three important ingridients, but I made some improves, because some ingridients are not available in my house. So, here they are.

Ingridient :
  • 200 gr pipe maccaroni
  • 1 slc chicken fillet
  • 200 ml  water
  • 75 gr melted cheese
  • 1 tablesppon Meizena
  • 2 garlic
  • 1 onion
  • (salt, chicken broth powder, pepper) Seasoning
  • Chili powder
  • 100 gr butter

  1.   Boil maccaroni in the boiling water until it’s expand and tender, set aside
  2.  Wash the chicken fillet until it’s clean and cut it into small cubes, set aside
  3. You can use whatever melted cheese you like, I myself use the cheddar cheese and I cut it into small cubes, set aside.
  4.   Slice the garlics and the onion, set aside.
  5. Take the maccaroni and put 2-3 tablespoon of butter, mix it, until the macaroni doesn’t stick to each other.  I use 2 tablespoon of butter to saute the spice, put the garlic and the onion, saute it until it smells good. Put the cheeses and the chicken cubes, saute it until it’s half cooked.
  6.  Pour the ¾ water, and wait until it’s boiling, and then put the maccaroni. The original recipe is using milk, but since my mother doesn’t like milk, so I replaced it with just water. 
  7. When it’s already cooked, pour a tablespoon of meizena that is dissolved with the ¼ of the water. Give it salt, pepper, chicken broth powder and sugar for seasoning.  Wait until it’s cooked.
  8. And the last, move it to the plate, sprinkle some oregano or just chili powder if you don’t have it in your house.

Quick and Easy right? It only took 20 minutes to cook it, so I think it won’t waste your time, and a time you spend in the kitchen is a worth wasting for. Let me know if you’ve made yours!

Bon Appétit!

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